Audiobooks on finance are a great method of learning about finance while simultaneously multitasking. You can listen to these books while you drive or exercise, cook or do chores. Listening to an audiobook will help you retain the information more effectively than reading. Audiobooks help you understand complicated concepts better due to the accent, tone and narration. These books can educate you about investing, saving money passive income, and strategies to manage your finances.
Best Finance Audiobooks
There are plenty of personal finance and investing audiobooks available for you to choose from, whether you’re a new investor or an experienced professional. These top financial audiobooks will give you a wide range of perspectives and tips from expert authors. From classics like Benjamin Graham’s introduction on value investing to contemporary favorites like Vicki Robin’s tips for setting goals, these audiobooks will broaden your horizons and increase your decision-making skills.
These finance books are also perfect for teaching kids about finances and personal money management. For example, Jasmine Paul’s “Peeps Let’s Talk About Money” covers basic concepts of money and counting to children aged 4-8 with Marvelosissimo, the Mathematical Magician. The book teaches savings, delayed gratification and soliciting assistance in a fun entertaining, and relatable manner.
These best finance audiobooks are great for older kids and teens who need to know more about personal finances. For instance, “The Big Short” is an enthralling audiobook about the crash of the stock market that tells the story of men who saw the coming crash in the housing market and made millions by betting against it.
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