Produced by cybersecurity company Lavasoft (formerly commonly referred to as Ad-Aware), adaware aims to combat the kinds of rogue apps and privacy infringements that a lot of consumers aren’t even aware of. Adaware is a collection of programs that track your browsing habits, programs that hijack the start page of your browser, and applications that show annoying ads at the most inappropriate times. This free application also comes with numerous additional security features that will help you stay safe and ensure your device runs smoothly.

In our tests, adaware was able to identify the majority of the malware we put at it. However, it had trouble removing certain malware. It does come with numerous useful extras like a privacy monitoring tool, a registry scanner, a file shredder, and advanced monitoring of networks. It’s important to note, however, that adaware can’t provide as much protection as some of the industry’s leading antivirus tools.

Adaware’s last participation in AV Test lab tests resulted in a blockage of just 95. 4% of 0-day risks and 97% known risks. These aren’t terrible scores but they don’t come close to what the best security suites can do.

Adaware users who want better performance should consider alternatives. We would recommend Kaspersky and Bitdefender, which are renowned for their reliable performance in real-world tests. Some users may be disappointed that only users of the Pro and Total plans have access to technical and customer support via the internet. The company does offer various information and Frequently Asked Questions on its website, but.

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