After an uncertain 2022 in terms of technology investment and talent, 2024 has seen an increase in excitement for technology’s potential to spur growth and solve some of the biggest issues. While a lot of last year’s 14 technology trends are still in the top spot but generative AI has made an impressive entry into the debate thanks to its powerful and promising potential to make a significant impact.

We’ve also seen a rise in interest in new technologies that are still in their formative stages but could boost productivity and increase growth. These include digital platforms, which are changing existing business models by offering new ways for people to exchange value and connect in exchange for value; the Internet of Things (IoT), which is creating an interconnected system of devices that can observe and analyze human behavior and cloud computing which is revolutionizing the way companies deploy and use applications.

Edge AI is another hot trend as it allows AI/ML systems to process data and make decisions without having to send the data to the cloud. This allows self-driving vehicles to react in the blink of an eye, and security cameras to analyze suspicious activity immediately.

Sustainable technology is gaining in popularity, as individuals and businesses strive to reach net-zero targets. This involves the use of green energy, sustainable processes and materials, and using technology to reduce or eliminate CO2 emissions.

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